Tuesday 14 October 2014

Tuesday, October 14/14

It's all in your head... literally!

You create your own reality, what you think is what you are. 

Most of us are under the impression that we are positive thinkers, but try monitoring your thinking for a few days. You will see that there are constant messages running through your mind. Random thoughts such as: 'I'm too fat,' I hate my hair,' I'm never going to get anywhere,' or I'll never find the right guy.' These are some fairly minor pessimistic beliefs that will play over and over, if this is your mind set. But, of course, there are some deep, damaging thoughts that can destroy a person, that may be playing as well. The good news is that you are in charge of what you allow in your head, and what you choose to believe. Assess your thoughts, decide whether they are true or not. Do they serve you?
Are you setting limitations on yourself or setting yourself up? 

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."  
Henry Ford

Whatever the scenario, if you are not open to it, you are blocking it with your beliefs. You need to change your thinking, concerning what is happening. Having your mind closed to possibilities will severely limit your growth. It is not only women that have a right to change their minds. If your thinking is holding you back, stop, and turn it around. It's not written in stone, it can go another way, there are always options. If you continue to think the same way you will get the same results. Live a life of infinite possibilities.

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Dr. Wayne Dyer 

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