Friday 30 June 2017


Quit making excuses....

Isn't this how it is done? You will make any excuse possible to avoid doing something. It may be something you DO NOT want to do, but the strange fact is that sometimes it is what you want most in the world. 

But procrastination is the name of the game. You fret and worry about it, you dream about, whine and complain about having it or not having it. Isn't it amazing! You are so afraid to fail or conversely to succeed, that you do nothing, except make excuses.

Fear is running the show, fear is holding you back, fear is in control of your life. You cannot allow fear to chain you down. Feel the fear and do it anyway

You may fail but, my darling, you may succeed.

The first step to eliminating fear is to do something that you are afraid to do. It may be flying or learning to drive. It may be speaking up for yourself, public speaking or snakes. It doesn't matter, gird your loins and do it. What is the worst that can happen? You will survive, no matter what happens, so why not just try it out? There is nothing more affirming than accomplishing something that you have previously been afraid to even attempt.

Whatever your fear, it is holding you hostage. You are giving your power to it, giving it a much bigger presence than it deserves. Kick it to the curb. 

"Everything you want is on the other side of fear." Jack Canfield

So, suck it up. Hold on tight. Say a prayer. Make a plan. AND just do it!

reprint of #176

Thursday 29 June 2017


You have this one life.
How do you want to spend it?
Apologizing? Regretting? Questioning? Hating yourself? Dieting?
Running after people who don't see you?

Be brave. Believe in yourself.
Do what feels good. Take risks.
You have this one life.
Make yourself proud.

Beardsley Jones

This time around, this is the life you have. It is what you make it

Everyone develops issues as they progress through childhood, not all of them are easily shrugged off once you reach adulthood. Some you don't even realize you continue to carry until they come up and slap you in the face. 

Once recognized, don't react, just pay attention. Ask yourself 'what is this, why am I reacting like this?' Then look into it. Is this feeling valid in your life today?

You don't want to carry all the negative emotions any longer than necessary. Regret is a waste of your time and creates stress. 

Whatever has happened, has happened. You can't change it. If you have apologies to make, make them. If you need to forgive, then forgive. Admit to wrongdoing or misunderstanding, why hold on to it? You are an adult, you don't have to lead a life that was planned for you, lead your own life. 

Free yourself of guilt, rules, expectations and just live your life your own way.

reprint of #459

Wednesday 28 June 2017


I have no need to be average or normal.

I surrender the need to fit into the expectations of others at the expense of my own evolution. I joyfully celebrate my loss of normalcy and claim my authenticity, sanity, and health.

-Danny Epstein
Healing Myths, Healing Magic

Remember how badly you wanted to 'fit in' in school? How important it was to be 'one of the gang.' You gave the impression, from your clothes to your hairstyle of belonging. Anyone that was remotely different was suspect, shunned or ridiculed. Why? That's a great question. There was very little tolerance for individuality then and even less maturity. You traveled in packs of androids and you were safe. You knew who you were and where you stood. Few broke out of the mold. 

As typically happens, we grew up a bit and started to realize that we were all different in some ways, that our actual wants and needs were individual to us. Eventually, we realized that we did not want to 'fit in' that mold anymore. We recognized that each of us was one of a kind, we had a need to be ourselves. Now, we had to figure out how to be happy with that.

Once you accept that you're different, you're on your own. Your safety net is gone, the onus is on you. You're no longer following all the rules, your normal is unlike the majority and you're open to criticism. This is where you get your strength, your uniqueness is your freedom.  

"I surrender the need to be average or normal"

reprint of #487

Tuesday 27 June 2017


I'm not here to fix anything
I'm here for the FUN!!!

You are not her to fix anything
because nothing is broken, but everything is continually changing and expanding. Release your struggle, and seek joy and fun, and in doing so, you will align with the fantastic expanding rhythm of the Universe.

Life was never meant to be a struggle. Stuart Wilde

We have created all the stress and strife for ourselves. We worry unnecessarily about inconsequential things that happen in our day. We cling to past mistakes and wounds. We allow others' opinions to incapacitate us, we take their words as truth and wallow in the injustice of it all. We carry resentment, revenge, anger, and pain around with us, interrupting and/or disturbing our peace. This is STRUGGLE. It is not necessary, 'release the struggle and seek joy and fun.'

Would you like to change the pattern?

You could ask yourself how it serves you to hang on to despair from the past. It only keeps you attached to whoever wronged you. You are worth more, you have come this far, you have overcome;  be proud. You don't have to prove anything to anyone and you don't need to try so hard

Get outside, enjoy the view, find things that make you feel good, laugh, sing, dance, have fun, experience life.  

"Move in the direction of expecting good things to come to you." Abraham
reprint of #527 

Monday 26 June 2017


"We are only as blind as we want to be."  Maya Angelou

You cannot force someone to pay attention to 
something that they do not want to notice. There's none so blind as those who will not see.  

We will, sometimes, turn a blind eye to what is going on in our world. 

It is simply too big... too much to handle and you just close your eyes and pretend it isn't happening. The overwhelming situation may be something in your own life, diagnosis of an illness, job loss, uncontrollable debt, something major that is just too much to fathom. 

Or, it could be an acquaintance that has shared some information about their troubles, and you don't want to get involved, or you just don't want it in your life, so you make the choice to disregard the information.

As with everything, it is a choice. You choose whether or not to see what is going on. Sometimes things are unthinkable, you're unable to justify what is happening, it doesn't make sense, so you deny it.  

"The human mind has a primitive ego defense mechanism that negates all realities that produce too much stress for the brain to handle. It’s called denial." Dan Brown 'Inferno'

So when you are feeling like this what can you do? It is acceptance and trust. Accept the situation for what it is, don't run away, or turn a blind eye. Look at it, and accept that this is what is happening. This is the way it is.  It may hurt but it has to be dealt with. Trust yourself, have faith and take it one step at a time. Give yourself some credit. You CAN handle it and, remember.. you are not alone.