Thursday 2 October 2014

Thursday, October 2/14

So many people live mundane, humdrum lives. They wake up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch TV, go to bed and then repeat. On the weekends.... add, mow the lawn, do the laundry, get groceries, chauffeur the kids, and this is the life. No wonder they ask "is this all there is?" 

This is the 'dull pain of unconsciousness.' They are doing what is expected, they are being responsible, taking care of home and hearth, they are doing their job; but at what cost? Where is the joy? There is so much more to life that merely getting through it

People are feeling despondent, and depressed, because their lives have become so tedious; and they have no idea what is wrong. If they honestly look at things, it looks as though they have everything; the car, the house, the kids etc., which makes them feel guilty about being dissatisfied. So they live their lives unconsciously, without thought or feeling and HOPE for the best. 

OR: If they are willing to explore the reasons behind  their  discontentment, they need to ask themselves.... Why do I feel dissatisfied? Why am I not happy? And then be prepared for some answers.  Give yourself some time alone,  write down your feelings, pray, or try meditation to help reach what is buried within. It may be painful to uncover all the hidden hurts, the 'sharp pains of self-discovery,' but to live an authentic life of peace and joy takes working through the pain. 

You can stay in unconsciousness and have it manifest into illness, or you can go through the pain of self-discovery and embrace awareness .... The amount of work is the same.

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