Tuesday 31 October 2017

"I think of life itself now as a wonderful play that I've written for myself, and so my purpose is to have the utmost fun playing my part" 
Shirley MacLaine

I couldn't agree more, Shirley.... This is exactly the way to look at life. You are merely an actor, playing your part. Each one of us has scripted our lives before we arrived on this planet and we are all merely role-playing. You are in charge of your own life, your own results... you can manipulate your life in whatever manner you choose. That being said; you are given a life and it is up to you to make it good or bad, easy or hard. 

We encounter obstacles on our path to receive the growth lessons we requested. How we handle these obstacles, accepting or fighting tooth and nail, determines how easy our life will be. All of this is to help us to understand, to open us up to receive and to pave the way on our path. Everything is important, nothing happens by chance. Your life can be a wonderful play or a tragedy, it's always up to you and you can change it anytime you like.

"We are not victims of the world, we are victims of the way we see the world"Shirley MacLaine

Just do the best you can with what you have been given. Relish your life, love those around you, be kind to your fellow beings, the animals, and the earth, and enjoy your time on the stage.

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players"  William Shakespeare

reprint of #272

Monday 30 October 2017


And then man created Satan....
because owning up to your own bullshit is just too damn hard.

Many of the major religions have a dark side character that can lead you astray. If you are not following the rules, it's possible that the 'devil made you do it', so that whatever sin you have committed has an outside force to shoulder the blame. 

Why is it necessary to have someone to blame for everything? When a person does something 'wrong' this attitude is what keeps them from admitting the wrongdoing and accepting the consequences. They know that they can incriminate someone or something outside themselves, and avoid any repercussions.

Seriously, no one can make you do anything, it is ALWAYS a choice, and you are ALWAYS responsible for the choices you make.

You are 100% responsible for your life and everything you choose to say or do. There will be times you wish you could retract the whole thing or shrug it off on someone else, but you're still culpable. Even if you get away with it for a time it will haunt you, or you'll be found out. There is really no point in running from the truth, you are only postponing the inevitable, and allowing the obsession to continue. You can make it as easy or as hard on yourself as you please.

Owning up to your own bullshit is the only way you will ever find peace.

reprint of #432

Thursday 26 October 2017


Nothing binds you except your thoughts.
Nothing limits you except your fears.
Nothing controls you except your beliefs.

Do you notice that all the things holding you back are coming from you? They are not the government, religion or other people.... they are all you. Knowing this is wonderful because the only person you can actually change is you. Life's biggest limitations are the ones you make in your mind.

Change your thoughts and change your life.

We often jump to conclusions about endless scenarios, getting ourselves all worked up, negativity abounding, and what for? Flying off the handle about someone's opinion is a waste of time. If that opinion is different from yours, who cares? Do you always have to be right? A person's opinion is simply that, an opinion. It is not necessarily fact or truth, it is how they feel about something. You don't feel that way and that is okay. What are you trying to prove by getting so riled up? Your thoughts, fears or beliefs have come into play and you are simply reacting to one or all of them. A button has been pushed. They are holding you back.

You will require a change in mindset,  in that you need to take a look at what it is that gets you worked up. When your thoughts, fears, and beliefs come to the surface, they need to be addressed. Recognize the issue, face it and let it go. YOU are in charge. 

It all begins and ends in your mind. Whatever you give power to has power over you, if you allow it.

reprint of #305
"When people walk away from you, let them go. 
Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you, and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."

Julia Roberts

We all have aspirations of being so extremely cool, that when we go through a break-up, instead of accusations and grievances, we instead merely murmur 'thanks for the memories.' But, of course, in circumstances such as these, there is hurt, pain, and anger and it's not often that you have it 'together' enough to be so cool. The first reaction is to fight for what you want and not ever give up. Not that this gets you anywhere, once minds are made up, there isn't often a change.  You will wish you had handled it with a touch of class when the remorse sets in, but you are, after all, human.

This person wasn't meant for you, not permanently anyhow, they were just with you for the lessons. They wouldn't have left if it was a 'forever' thing. "Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you." They show up, you show each other what you need to know, and they move on. Their time is up, and you are ready for something or someone new. You may not feel fabulous when they leave, but you will feel gratitude before long, as soon as you realize the growth that has taken place because they were there.

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." Dr. Seuss

Now you are ready for a new adventure, the door will open for another, either a lesson or the 'real thing.' This is life, a learning experience. You will touch many lives, and they you; and each time you will become a little wiser, more patient, more loving, more compassionate and much, much closer to the real you.

Reprint of #418

Wednesday 25 October 2017


Be yourself.
Life is precious as it is.
All the elements for your happiness are already here.
There is no need to run,
strive, search or struggle.

-Thich Nhat Hanh

Be yourself. Do you know who you are, who you really are? The first step toward becoming who you really are is to spend some time with yourself, looking within, finding out what makes you tick. Then go with it. Never change for anyone, don't twist yourself into what you think people want you to be. You are perfect just the way you are.

"You have the right and the responsibility to be your most authentic, magnificent self." Fabienne Fredrickson

Happiness is within, do not search without. You will never find happiness, no matter how extensively you search for it. It is not in the new job, the new house or the new lover, no one can give it to you. You don't have to strive toward it or make a great effort to achieve it; everything you are looking for, you already possess.

Life was never meant to be a struggle, it will only become one if you are fighting everything. If you go with the flow and eliminate negativity, things will begin to flow very smoothly.  Embrace every challenge, do not fight against the current, accept what IS. This will eliminate unnecessary struggle. Believe in yourself and JUST BE.

"Don't wrestle with spirit, collaborate with it." Sarah Ban Breathnach

reprint of #387

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Everyone you encounter is
playing the role you need them 
to play for you.

We created a plan, a blueprint before we returned to this planet. Souls get together to set up the life we will experience. Each person plays a part.

To recall this little anecdote has always taken me right back to my true beliefs...

'As one soul was planning their new life on earth, the other souls willing to participate were gathered around accepting their positions for that lifetime. Certain souls would be asked to portray less than kind, sometimes despicable characters. It is a sign of their unconditional love that they accepted this assignment. The soul that was orchestrating his life was grateful for the acceptance and compassion shown by the souls that had agreed to be the 'villains' in his life. When all was said and done, one of the 'villains' approached the soul and stated: “do not forget who I am"'.

What this little story is saying is that each person that plays a part in your life has agreed to do this for your growth; this is your movie. So in this particular lifetime, they signed up to be the abuser, the controller, the addict, or the loving, kind, supportive one; whatever you need to experience in that chapter of your life. You, too, have made the same agreement with other souls. You are playing the role of someone that will give them the lessons that they require. It’s a WIN/WIN situation.

Everyone that has anything to do with you, has have chosen to be here at this time. You set this up, for you, to learn what you needed to learn this time on earth. If you recognize and/or accept what is being said here, then the drama is lessened and you can handle anything. You are actually in charge, this is your life, and you are running the show. The situation no longer needs to be volatile, once you are 'know' that you are just playing a part that will, in the end, benefit you. 
reprint of #550

Monday 23 October 2017


You are your life partner.

Isn't it amazing that we can live our entire lives and never realize how important we are? 

We are important to the people around us, to the world, the Universe, but principally to ourselves. We constantly rush to and fro trying to get approval from all and sundry, trying to please everybody, and never put ourselves in the equation. We never even have a passing thought of our significance in the scheme of things.

We are nothing without our own approval. 

We are merely robots following the crowd, doing what we think we have to do, following the rules and knocking ourselves out. We are getting nowhere. 

The time has come, this is the day, STOP, look in the mirror... this is the person you will spend your entire life with... can you trust this person? Does she/he have your best interest at heart, is she/he loyal, honest and true and taking care of you?  If you don't who will? 

You don't need approval from outside forces. Your approval, acceptance, admiration, and respect is what you need to strive for. 

Seek not outside yourself.

Everything is within you, you are important. That person that you have spent your life looking for... that soul mate or life partner, is YOU.

"It's not your job to like me, it's mine" Byron Katie

reprint of #279

Friday 20 October 2017


I stopped explaining myself when I realized people only understand from their level of perception.

True. I find it is the same with most subjects unless you hit upon a subject that the person you are with is passionate about, it doesn't take long for their eyes to glaze over. Idle chit-chat seems to be acceptable, preferably short chit-chat, is best. The long intimate discussions are saved only for the closest of friends, or maybe family, that are obligated to listen, at least for a little while. 

Everyone sees things in their own way, derived from their life experiences. You may feel that you have the answer to life, but people only hear what they want to, or are ready to hear. So, something of great importance to you may come across as trivial nonsense to someone else. 

Don't worry if their level of perception isn't at the same level as yours. The fact is, it is only your perception, and although it may be truth to you, it is your understanding, not theirs. So explaining yourself to anyone, really, is a waste of time. It is perceived as a demand to understand your way of thinking and they may have no interest in that. No one likes to be told what to do or how to think.

You have your ideas, and you can do what you will with them, but you don't need to feel obliged to justify yourself to anyone. You don't need any validation; it is your life and you will live it to the best of your ability. No one really understands anyone else anyhow, and you are ahead of the game if you understand yourself.  

"There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words and still not understand you. And there are others who will understand without you speaking a word."  Unknown 

reprint of #238

Thursday 19 October 2017


You are never in the wrong place.
But sometimes you are in the right place looking at things in the wrong way. 

We often think that maybe we did something wrong, that we're being punished, or maybe we didn't think it through because there must be some reason that we are standing here doing this, this was so not on the agenda....We must just be in the wrong place.

You are never in the wrong place or at the wrong time. You never stay too long, there are no mistakes. You are exactly where you need to be at all times. You always stay precisely as long as you need to. Everything is perfectly orchestrated and will happen as it is meant to happen.

If something is happening in your life that shocks you, makes you feel that you shouldn't be where you are, makes you ask 'what did I do to deserve this?' then it is a lesson. There is something that you need to see that will aid you on your journey. Open your mind and accept that you are directed and always heading in the right direction.

There is a reason for everything, nothing is random.... even when things appear random, there is a reason. It's simply how you look at things. 

"Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change."
Dr. Wayne Dyer

"Your observation of the conditions that exist now is the reason that you keep repeating a pattern that holds away from the things you want. It's really that simple."  Abraham-Hicks

reprint of #570

Wednesday 18 October 2017


Make no mistake about it.... enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It's seeing through the facade of pretense. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.


People accumulate baggage as they walk their path, some new ideas, antiquated beliefs, and plenty of programming. At some point on your journey, you realize that you're not happy, things aren't working out as you planned. From the outside looking in, your life may look perfect, and yet you don't feel fulfilled. You are challenged in some way, your beliefs are questioned,  and you finally open a crack.

This is the beginning.... you start searching, trying to find yourself. This quest is not for the faint of heart. At first, you have no idea what you're doing, simply that you are searching for something to make your life complete. You are on an expedition, investigating feelings, actions, and reactions. You are analyzing situations, people, and the prior programming. Every move you make, you scrutinize, in an effort to find what makes you tick and why. You are questioning everything and by doing all this, you will start to see through the facade of pretense. 

Everyone has parts of themselves that never see the light of day. The deeply hidden portions of one's humanity that are never exposed to the light of day. They are usually built of shame, embarrassment, anger etc. and you've long-since learned that it's too risky to reveal them to the world you live in. Allowing yourself to be exposed, if only to yourself, it will change the way you see life because it's the complete eradication of everything you imagined to be true.

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Dr. Wayne Dyer

reprint of #433

Monday 16 October 2017

One of the big differences between sad people and happy people is that sad people become 'negative evidence collectors,' dutifully looking for AWFUL things, people, events to put into a mental folder labeled "PROOF LIFE IS AWFUL."
Happy people are 'positive evidence collectors,' constantly looking for AWESOME things, people, events to put into a mental folder labeled "PROOF LIFE IS AWESOME." Because happy people collect AWESOME not AWFUL stuff they notice and attract more AWESOME stuff, thereby filling up their mental folders with lots of happy evidence that LIFE IS INDEED AWESOME.

How true! Have you noticed that fearful, negative people do just that? They have a list as long as your arm filled with reasons why not to do something. Their collection of don't do is totally awe-inspiring, they have obviously spent considerable time researching and accumulating all this information to prove their point. LIFE IS AWFUL! I feel that if they want to live in Negativeville it is their choice, but really, imagine making a list entitled anti-everything. That's commitment, AND it releases them from any obligation to do that particular thing or anything different or new. Amazing!

Now the happy people.... I'm of the opinion that you are basically happy or you are not. I know people can act happy, or try to be happy, or look on the bright side etc., but to actually BE happy, you need to FEEL it at the source. Happy people would naturally be drawn to inspirational things, people and events that perpetuate their happiness. They LIVE there, they have done their inner work and emulate peace, love, and happiness

If you think that the world is an AWFUL place, it WILL be. AND if you think the world is an AWESOME place it also WILL be. You are in charge, you can change your destiny. You decide how you want to live. 

(reprint of #322)

we judge in
others is
ourselves we
don't want
to face."

We attract people into our lives to mirror the 'less than perfect' fragments of ourselves back at us. This way we can learn to see ourselves, in the reflection of those with whom we interact.

If we choose not to look at what is being shown to us, it will continue to 'show up' in our lives; because the purpose is to reveal the issues within ourselves that we don't want to face. 

So when you get angry, hurt or take offense to what is happening, when someone's actions cause a reaction for you, there is an issue still buried within. There is something you need to look at. Once recognized, this person may have completed his mission with you, this being the sole purpose, or it may be an ongoing awakening. 

It is up to you whether or not you take it any further, work on it, release it, or ignore it. If ignored, it will show up later with this person or someone else, until you 'get it.' This person can be your partner, friend, work colleague, your boss, a parent or anyone you have contact with. Often the person that you have the hardest time with will contribute the most to your growth. In the end...
You WILL be grateful.

When you are judging something about someone, you are actually judging yourself.

reprint of #433

Friday 13 October 2017


If there must be madness and time crunches and chaos in your life, then let there be chaos.

But find the strength and stillness to be the eye inside the storm.

These things are happening around you; nothing is happening to you.

Nothing is happening TO you, everything happens FOR you. It is happening as a part of the lessons you are here to learn. Your only job is to 
accept what happens and move forward. 

F.Y.I. You don't have to attend every argument that you are invited to. 

Sometimes you need to disregard what is going on around you. Work on finding peace within, and the outside influences become less compelling. You will find you are able to keep your peace no matter what is going on around you. Leave everyone to sort out their own messes, and remain focused on your own life. 

Stay in the eye of the storm.

“Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens.” Epictetus 

You are in charge of your own life and you can live it however you wish. If you want peace, have peace. You don't need to seek it anywhere. You don't need to climb to the top of a mountain and meditate. It is already within you. 

reprint of #318

Thursday 12 October 2017


You've got to say no to the things that don't honour you. 

No to the things that don't bring you joy. 

And you don't have to explain your no. -Iyanla Vanzant

How often do you say YES to things that you really do not want to do? Things that you feel you HAVE to do, that you think are your responsibility or maybe you think it's just the right thing to do.

Someone asks you to do something and you feel a  'that feeling' in the pit of your stomach....you don't want to do it. BUT how do you say no?  After some deliberation, you decide it wouldn't hurt you to do this one thing for this person. 

The fact is, it would hurt you because it's a lie. It's a lie because you don't want to do it. 

How can you do someone a favour when you don't want to do what they asked? That is not an act of charity, charity comes from the heart. This is an obligation and being obliged often leads to resentment. If you don't don't feel comfortable about it, if it just doesn't feel right, if you have too much on your plate, or this person has overstepped, then don't do it.

You don't have to justify yourself to anyone, if you don't want to, you don't want to; and NO means NO. 

Just say NO, without explanation, just NO.

reprint of #523

Wednesday 11 October 2017


No matter what's happening

Don't focus on what's Wrong. 
Find something Positive in your

Joel Osteen

You can actually change your life with your thoughts. 

You are in charge and you have the ability to have a positive experience every second of every day if that is what you want. You can also have ANYTHING YOU WANT just by focusing your thoughts in that direction. Your main attainment in this lifetime is just to be happy. You are not here to work harder or smarter, you are here to have fun, to play and love and laugh. 


"You were given life, it is your duty (and also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within life, no matter how slight."  Elizabeth Gilbert

Once you have found something beautiful in life, focus on it, let the feeling permeate your entire being, and you'll never want to let it go.  Don't let it go, instead, let go of everything that makes you sad.

Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections. Unknown


Reprint of #543

Tuesday 10 October 2017


If you keep blaming something or someone else for your problems, you will never learn why problems come your way. Kushandwizdom.tumblr

You all know the 'blamers'... nothing is ever their fault... it may be the kid's fault, the spouses, that guy at work, the government, parents, it really doesn't matter. Everyone else is responsible for their troubles. Everyone, that is, except them. 

Problems or obstacles are sent your way for a reason, there is something you need to work on, something that you don't understand or refuse to look at. There is always a way to get your attention. It would be wise of you to be aware of the little nudges and signs that show up during your day. It is important to be mindful, as these little nudges are signals that something needs attention. You don't want to wait for a serious accident or illness to take notice. 

Any problems you are experiencing originate with you, they cannot be blamed on outside forces, you have created them. 

Take a look at your attitude or your reaction to people and circumstances. It is the choices you make that result in the situation you find yourself in. You are 100% responsible for your life, whether it is good or bad is up to you.

Nothing you do, nothing you say and nothing you think is anyone else's fault. It can't be, it came from you. No one except you can control any of those things. The onus is on you, you are responsible. 

reprint of #414

Friday 6 October 2017

No one can drive us crazy unless we give them the keys.

Nobody can make you mad, no one can make you anything. YOU CHOOSE to react however you react to what is coming at you. 

Everyone has said, "'they' made me so mad" but 'they' simply do not have that power. 'They' may have memorized the buttons, or installed them for that matter, and "'they' definitely know how to push them. But you chose to get mad. 
You are in the driver's seat, you hold the keys. 

'They' may have struck a nerve, from some past hidden hurt that you have buried, but it still is a choice. You may have gotten mad because that's what you do; you stand up for yourself, you 'don't take nothing from nobody'. but it's still a choice. The point is... it is up to you. It is your life and your reaction will determine your peace of mind.

And on the same subject: watch what you say. Do you want to be crazy? Statements like "you are driving me crazy" is telling the universe that you want/need to lose your mind. The universe will do everything to grant your wish. All the self-depreciating statements made throughout your day, are sending the wrong message. 

Consider monitoring your thinking and verbalizing. Saying or thinking things like 'you broke my heart, you'll be the death of me, or that really pisses me off,' even a more positive feeling such as; 'my heart is bursting with joy,' is giving the wrong message. You are practically begging some health issue to come and invade your body, you are telling your body that your heart is meant to burst or be broken. Stop it.
The moral of the story is: This is your life, you are in the driver's seat... do not give your keys to anyone else.

reprint of #539

Thursday 5 October 2017


When people make you feel unwanted, don't leave to make them feel sad or guilty, they won't. Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself. What's meant to be will end up good and what's not - won't. Love is worth fighting for, but sometimes you can't be the only one fighting. At times, people need to fight for you. If they don't you just have to move on and realize what you gave them was more than they were willing to give you and more than they deserve.

So there you are! 
Again, it is about you loving yourself, AND accepting what is. 

If you love yourself, you will not put up with disrespect from anyone. If someone is making you feel bad about yourself, the only thing you can do is move on. You cannot change them! They will continue to make you feel bad as long as YOU allow it. (Read that again and think about itYou also can't be the only one that is trying to make things work. You have done your best, and you deserve someone that is giving their best right back to you.

As for accepting what is...accept the things you cannot change. Otherwise, you are simply fretting about something you can do nothing about. Letting go is difficult, but eventually, you have to save yourself. You did just fine before this person came into your life and you will do just fine without them. Don't settle. 

Don't break for someone who won't bend for you.
"The minute you settle for less than you deserve you get even less than you settle for." Maureen Dowd

reprint of #321

Wednesday 4 October 2017


Why? Because some people are just terrible human beings, and terrible people do terrible things. If you're racking your brain trying to understand it, it just means you're not on of those terrible people.

If you have ever been involved with someone that is rude, aggressive or even abusive; it is always a brain drain trying to reason it out. When you are attacked verbally or emotionally, you spend a great deal of time trying to figure out how someone could talk to you in like that. They do it because they do. The fact is no one has the right to talk to anyone like that. Nor do they have the right to abuse any living thing. It is unacceptable. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen, it just means that you don't have to put up with it.

You are worth more than that. There is no need to figure out why they are like they are, you only need to stay away from them. As it states above, if you are trying to understand it, it just means you're not one of those terrible people. 

This is a self-esteem issue for both parties. The one dishing out the abuse as well as the one accepting it. If you really cared about yourself you would never tolerate someone who did not. You deserve someone that loves and respects you, don't settle, don't make room for people that cause you pain or make you feel small.

reprint of #316