Saturday 11 October 2014

Saturday, October, 11/14

I am Canadian, and Thanksgiving is this weekend for us. Gratitude is on the menu, along with the traditional turkey and fixin's. Being grateful is what the holiday is all about; the harvest, the bounty of our nation, together with family and friends. We are so blessed in this country and this celebration affords us the time to reflect on all that we have received. 

We express gratitude so well on the holiday, but how about the rest of the time? Gratitude is an emotion expressing appreciation for what you have: you can increase your well-being and happiness by being grateful on a regular basis.
Also, by expressing gratitude to others,
with a thank you, a warm hug, or  any chosen expression of appreciation. This will cultivate increased levels of energy, optimism and empathy. How does that sound? 

If your heart feels full, this is gratitude. If someone has done something for you and you feel the 'warm fuzzy', this also is gratitude. Tell the person how you feel, it will make you both feel good. 

And on this Thanksgiving weekend, offer your thanks to the universe for all the abundance in your life. This small prayer we recited as children will suffice quite nicely...

Thank you for the world so sweet, thank you for the food we eat, thank you for the birds that sing. Thank you, God, for everything. Amen

Happy Columbus Day to our American Friends!

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