Thursday 31 August 2017


Do the best thing that you can do right NOW because NOW is all you've ever got - the best thing that you can do from where you currently stand that makes you feel as good as you can possibly feel. Abraham

NOW is all there is. 
NOW  is the only reality.

Nothing that took place yesterday can have any effect on you today unless you bring it forward and dwell on it. Whatever is about to happen tomorrow cannot have any effect on you unless you choose to worry about it. 

You make the choice..... every choice is yours, entirely yours.

But.......the past never goes away, right? After all, what they did, what they said, they broke your heart, they hurt you, you'll never get over it...... no, you won't because you won't allow yourself to. 

It really doesn't matter how many times you go over it, or think of different ways that you could have handled it, what you could have said or done.... YOU CANNOT CHANGE IT. The same goes for the future, everything that you are worrying about has NOT EVEN HAPPENED YET and probably never will. This is the only place in life where you actually are hopeless and helpless.... you are actually unable to change anything from the past or the future. It is a hopeless situation, why put yourself there? 

All you have to do in this lifetime is feel as good as you possibly can. You CAN do that. This is within your reach.... stay in the NOW and work on feeling good. Leave the rest alone...

Wednesday 30 August 2017

"You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing. 
You don't have to do anything to earn it, your shortcomings, your lack of self-esteem, physical perfection, or social and economic success--none of that matters.
No one can take this love away from you, and it will always be here."
-Ram Dass

We have been misinformed about so many significant matters. Religious dogma is about being worthy, doing penance, participating in rituals, confessions etc. in order to secure the love of God; putting conditions on God's love for you. 

You came to this earth plane to experience life, to learn, grow and assist others as they do the same. You will do what you came here to do before you leave. And however that works out, whatever 'mistakes' you think you made are part of your growth. They are not ammunition to be used against you. The only person judging you will be you.

The entire universe is here to help you with your journey. There are no judgements or recriminations because the universe is LOVE. Earth is the place to experience negativity, in all its forms; this is where negativity lives.  

You are loved beyond measure and nothing you ever do can separate you from that love. 

You just need to do your life, secure in the knowledge that you are, and always have been loved. Stop worrying, listen to your intuition and do your best. Be loving and kind to every living thing and find a way to reduce your stress. Enjoy nature and all this earth has to offer. Everything will be okay and you, too, are okay. Love heals everything, love is all there is. May the force be with you.
Reprint of #378  

Tuesday 29 August 2017


Everything is always working out for you. No matter how it looks, that's what's happening.

No matter what your current distortive perspective may be, that's always what is happening.


The Universe is always conspiring to give you whatever you want. There is never any question about who deserves something because everyone, every single person on this earth deserves all there is.... everything you want is waiting for you!

"The reason you want every single thing that you want is because you think you will feel really good when you get there. But if you don't feel really good on your way to there, you can't get there. You have to be satisfied with 'what is' while you're reaching for more." Abraham

"Find something that makes you happy and fixate on it. That is the answer to all things. It's the answer to getting everything that you want." Abraham

"Like the air that you breathe, abundance in all things is available to you. Your life will simply be as good as you allow it to be." Abraham

Be happy, be open to receiving, whatever you dream of... just imagine it and it will be yours. Focus on what you want and let the Universe fill in the blanks.

Monday 28 August 2017


"We must be willing to let go of the life we've planned, to have the life that is waiting for us." Joseph Campbell

Let go of the illusion of control. You cannot control everything and everybody around you, and certainly not the future. You have no control over anything, except yourself.

It's okay to have aspirations and dreams, but you really have no idea what's going to happen in an hour let alone in 10 years. 

Your life has been given to you to live each day, not to wait until the time is right to do what you want to do. The time is NOW, that is all there is, nothing else is guaranteed.

If your life is too regimented, if you are too rigid in your approach, goal-setting, excelling, advancing, and maintaining,  you are only creating a stressful environment. You are also quite possibly setting yourself up for disappointment. 

Life will flow at its own speed, you will go where you are meant to go when the time is right for you to be there.

You could say it is not in your control, and you'd be right. Let go of the life you have planned, let life happen as it is meant to. There is a life waiting, that couldn't possibly get through all the chaos surrounding you. We create the obstacles in our path, they may be blocking the way to slow us down, to enable us to refocus, regroup, accept and allow life to go on at its own pace. 

We will get to where we need to go exactly when we are meant to be there.
Reprint of #426

Tuesday 15 August 2017


You have permission to rest.

You are not responsible for fixing everything that is broken.

You do not have to try and make everyone happy.

For now, take time for you.

It's time to replenish.


It is always hard to find the time to do all that you need to do and it's as often as not that you, yourself, don't make the short list. This becomes a habit, a way of life.... you get the short end of the stick and barely have the time to even notice. You have your job, your parents, your children, your home, pets etc. etc. etc. and these are simply the basics. If the kids have to be chauffeured somewhere, it's a safe bet that you will miss out on gym time, your run or coffee with a friend, whatever it may be that fulfills your needs. 

This scenario quickly becomes the norm .... taking care of everyone within a 10-mile radius, with little time left for you and your needs. 

You are NOT responsible for everything that happens in the world AND if you don't take care of yourself you will be no good to anyone else. You ARE responsible for YOU, that's it, Obviously, if you have small children or pets they must be attended to, but otherwise..... You are the main event! 

So if you are able to give your time and attention to the others, you can do the same for you. Make your needs known, replenish your soul, take time for you. You are important, act like it.

Monday 14 August 2017


Choose your thoughts wisely for they are the energy that creates your life. Abraham

You didn't come to straighten people out that believe differently from you... you do not need them to think like you do in order to feel good. Abraham

Many time it is better not to say anything. Just rest in your knowing that all is well. Abraham

You can't be mad enough at everything to make it go away. AH

This simply means that 'stuff' will continue to happen, the world will spin on its axis, there will be war, natural disasters, famine, poverty, prejudice, racism, etc. and you will be a witness to many injustices in the world. You cannot fix these things, they, too, happen for the greater good.... there is always a reason, in the midst of adversity there is always a spark of goodness.  

"You cannot suffer those suffering into wellness. You can't get sick enough to help the sick become well, and you can't get poor enough to help the poor become prosperous. And you can't feel bad enough to help the bad feel good."  Abraham-Hicks

Your main concern has to be you. You are here for a reason, in the scheme of things, and you need to prevail in order to address that challenge. Therefore, your mental/physical health and well-being are of utmost importance. 

"Just rest in your knowing that all is well." Abraham

Thursday 10 August 2017


The meaning of life is just to be ALIVE. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves ... Alan Watts

Being ALIVE, getting with the program, making life work for you, not following anyone's lead, but doing only what makes YOU feel ALIVE. 
Everyone needs to find something that gives them that feeling, whether it is nature, sports, dancing, or cooking... it doesn't matter what it is, it's just important to give yourself over to something that comes directly from the soul, that brings out your inner joyful child. (I must stress that I am not referring to any artificial means of refilling your empty joy tank)

Life is not meant to be a struggle, it is to be a celebration. On the whole, you are here to 'do' life, not make it a menial, frustrating chore. There are times when one has to manage life's traumas and dramas... these are the trials of life, meant to be growth related. They need to be dealt with, then dropped as soon as you feel able, so you can bring yourself back to life. Don't get lost in the negative, just breathe and carry on. That's it, it can be simple if you allow it, no complications, it's up to you.

You are in charge of your life, therefore your reactions to what life throws at you are your choice. There are no problems, unless you, yourself create them. You can choose to be devastated, scared to death, or calm and secure in the knowledge that you are OK. There is nothing beyond you, you are holding all the cards, you make your life exactly what you want it to be. Make your stumbling blocks into building blocks and construct the life you want.

"All problems are an illusion of the mind" Eckhart Tolle

reprint of #278

Wednesday 9 August 2017



What someone thinks of you cannot affect you, it is your focus about what you imagine they are thinking that affects you.

When you're looking at someone else, and they are feeling disapproval of you, they are not reflecting to you their personal opinion of you... They are reflecting back to you, the image you hold of yourself-every single time. Abraham

Your thoughts change the behaviour of everyone and everything who has anything to do with you. Abraham

Isn't it amazing how 'far off' a person can be, especially concerning themselves?  

You thought/imagined you saw someone doing or saying something that you felt was disapproving and that was NOT what is going on. You were actually seeing yourself reflected right back to you. It is you that is disapproving. 

You reflect your feelings to those around you. You literally change the way a person acts toward you. You are drawing people to you to reflect your attitude. 

Once you realize that getting what you put out is the basis of your existence, you will become more mindful of your thoughts. You can change your thoughts to benefit you always, in all ways. It is all about you, just as it always has been.

Tuesday 8 August 2017


The Universe always says yes.

If you claim, "I'm broke, I don't have a dime!", the Universe says yes, you're right....

If you claim "I'm very prosperous, I always have a lot of money!" The Universe says yes, you're right...

And that's how it works....

Your situation will dictate the feelings you have around what you want or need. 

If you have just lost your job, you may be sending a message similar to this.... 'please help me, I don't have enough money to pay the rent, the mortgage, the bills etc. and I need more money, there is never enough.' If this is what you are asking and/or obsessing about, this is exactly what you will get..... MORE LACK!

If everything is going great and you're just flowing with the current, it's quite likely that nothing is being said at all. When life is easy we are content, perhaps even happy and so many of us just wait for the other shoe to drop. We don't want to acknowledge how blessed we are for fear of losing everything. That is the complete opposite of how the Universe works. 

This is the time to connect with the feeling of abundance, ease, happiness, and love. Just say THANK YOU!

Friday 4 August 2017


You're here for the thrill of the ride.  Abraham-Hicks

So what do you think about that?

You are here to be YOU, to do what you do. You are filling a very necessary slot in the scheme of things. You are also here to be happy, to enjoy your time and transmit your joy to those around you.

You are NOT here to try harder or do better... no one is keeping score. It is NOT necessary to try harder to be loved, to be accepted, to be smarter, slimmer, more accomplished, or whatever it may be that you feel you are lacking.... you are not lacking. You are perfect just as you are to do what you are here to do. If fact, you are the ONLY one that can do what you do. 
You are unique.

So, then, why are you so hard on yourself? What makes you think that someone doesn't like you or that you must be doing something wrong? All those negative feelings serve no purpose. You don't want them or need them, you simply cannot afford one single negative moment. Kick them to the curb. You are too important to waste your time feeling 'less than.'

"If we were talking to you on your first day here, we would say....
Welcome to Planet Earth!
There is nothing you cannot be, do or have.
And your work here, your life time career.... is to seek JOY." AH

Thursday 3 August 2017


 "I am convinced that the only people worthy of consideration in this world are the unusual ones. For the common folks are like the leaves of a tree, and live and die unnoticed"-The Scarecrow -Wizard of Oz

Who are these people? The unusual ones... the artists, the actors, the rebels, the explorers, the daring, bold, adventurous, courageous ones. These are the people that are usually 'out there', the movers and shakers of society. They are willing to take a risk, put their face on display and fight for a cause. They get things done. They make sure that they are noticed; they will not die with their music still in them. 

"Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out." Oliver Wendell Holmes
"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."  Henry D. Thoreau

Don't put your life on hold. Don't wait for next month, next year or the culmination of your five-year plan. Do what you want to do NOW. Now is all you have, this is the time to live. Do whatever you have been dreaming of doing. If it is important, you will find a way. Take the road less traveled. 

What is stopping you from doing what you want to do? Is it talent, money, degrees, confidence, handicap, ability, laziness, insecurity or FEAR?  Most people are not living their dreams because they are living their fears. You will not be happy until you address the fear.  Hesitation, procrastination, excuses are all pointing to the fact that you are afraid. That is nothing to be ashamed of, everyone is afraid of something, but you are the only one that can feel the fear and do it anyway. 

Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue. Dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true. Do not live and die unnoticed. 

Reprint of #456 

Wednesday 2 August 2017


Stop setting yourself
on fire for someone who
stays to watch you burn.

Haiku on Perspective
(Haiku is a Japanese verse in 3 lines. Line one has 5 syllables, line 2 has 7 syllables and line three has 5 syllables. Haiku is a mood poem and it doesn't use any metaphors or similes.)

The message is enduring... Stop trying so hard, especially if the other person involved is not trying at all.
Stop trying so hard when trying so hard is the problem!

Have you been in a relationship where unhappiness is the key ingredient? You may be wanting to work on the issues while your partner seems ambivalent or actually refuses to do anything. Nothing changes, nothing happens at all. You want the relationship to continue, and you're doing everything in your power to make that happen. To what end? You cannot have a relationship all by yourself, and why would you want to? This is about you. What do you want? Really want? If there is no cooperation, consideration and you're not working together for the greater good, there isn't much point, is there? You can't force someone to care.

If there is any form of abuse or even lying and cheating, then there is no point whatsoever. Do not put your life in someone else's hands. If you are unhappy, only you can fix it. If someone is giving you a hard time, or ignoring your needs, disrespecting you, or simply doesn't care, you need to decide what is in your best interests. You deserve at least what you are giving out. 

Check your self-esteem levels, they may be a little low. Stop turning yourself inside out for someone that would not do the same for you. You are worth so much more than that. 

reprint of #408

Tuesday 1 August 2017


Do not leave your longings unattended.....  

Where did your longings go, what happened to your dreams? What have you given up to continue in the life you are leading? Was there something you always wanted to do that has been put on hold permanently? 

Do you know that self-denial of your longings can lead to depression, anger, and illness?  You could say you just need to follow your dreams, for your own health. But I  understand that life steps in and responsibilities add up, and you just can't go running off into the Himalayas for a hike. If this is your dream, there is always a way, it may not be possible today, but it can be done. If this is what you really want to do, you can certainly attain it.

People seem to give up far too easily on their dreams and self-fulfillment. It's a matter of priorities BUT I am not saying your dream of hiking is more important than your children, or anything of the sort; I am just saying .... don't ever forget that you and your longings are important as well.

"It's your thing, do what you want to do." The Isley Brothers

When someone asks you what you always wanted to do, or what is your fondest desire; what is your answer? If there is some way that you can actually do it, then do it... In the meantime start planning it, set it up on a mood board or something where you can actually see it. Picture yourself doing it, and eventually, you will manifest exactly what you want ... where there is a will there's a way.

Do not leave your longings unattended

Reprint of #455