Friday 29 September 2017

#722 It's Time for this one again.

"Every single day, we need to choose hope over fear, diversity over division. 

Fear has never created a single job or fed a single family.

And those who exploit it will never solve the problems that have created such anxiety."

Canadian Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau

Every single day.... anyone that has lived in a position of fear, real or imagined, realizes how disruptive and stressful it can be. Fear has held back many people from any joy, happiness or adventure. It is an insidious, potential robbing, life-sucking force that can stop you in your tracks. Those that exploit or promote fear are cowards merely feeding their egos. You don't have to be involved, move past it, don't believe everything you hear or see. Listen to your inner voice and know that you are okay. Living in fear is not living at all. 

Fear has no real power, don't give it any. 

“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.” ― John Lennon

“Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free." Jim Morrison 

reprint of #612

Thursday 28 September 2017


You either get bitter or you get better. It's that simple. 

You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down.

The choice does not belong to fate.
It belongs to you.
Josh Shipp

So... your worst case scenario has actually happened. The one thing you have spent your life making sure would never happen to you.... happened. NOW WHAT?  You have always been hyper-vigilant in your quest to keep this particular scenario at bay, not once did you think of how you would handle it if it DID happen. It was always just the fear and dread of it happening that took precedence.  It doesn't really matter, you can't prepare for something as devastating as your worst-case scenario. You don't know how you will react until it happens. 

As always there is a reason why these things happen, this is a message - you need to take a look at your life - something needs to be re-examined. You now have the opportunity to take a look at your beliefs and actions to see what needs some fine tuning.  

The key word here is 'happened', it has already taken place, you can't change it. In fact, it probably happened because you worried about it so intently. What you think about you create. You will find that it is a relief now that it has actually happened, you can stop worrying about it. You manifested this for your own growth. There is no room here for bitterness, or self-recrimination, no one is out to 'get you' - quite the opposite, this is to help you become a better person and believe me, you will. 

Your worst-case scenario is a blessing in disguise 

reprint of #428

Wednesday 27 September 2017


Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right.

This simple statement really hit home for me today. It's one of those things that you know, probably figured someone else should know, but just never really thought about it. Of course, you believe you are right if you are offended.

I find a lot of the expressions, the over -indulgence in explicit sexual language and/or interaction, violence, as well as the vulgar speech that is acceptable today, to be offensive.

Now, I suppose that a lot of it has to do with my age; and I do know that this is no longer the world of my youth, BUT.....

I am not a delicate little flower, nor (entirely), old school, I have laughed uproariously at many an off-colour joke, but somehow the foul mouths of some of the general population, showing no care or consideration for those within earshot, I find, disrespectful and rude. 

Why is this? WE knew how we were to talk when there were adults anywhere around. There was a special attempt to 'mind our manners' around the elderly, our parents, or any authority figure. Is it just that the modern world needs to express themselves and we were riddled with rules? Is it television, video games, movies? Is it the fact that more mothers are working (out of the home) mothers? Is it that children have rights pertaining to discipline? What has happened to respect and consideration for others?

I am not saying I'm right, but I am entitled to feel offended. I also realize that this is no longer MY world, it now belongs to the next generation, and they will make it what they want. Maybe the previous behaviours get voted off the island as each generation passes the torch, but acceptance, tolerance, and respect for others shouldn't be the first to go, should they? 

reprint of #484

Tuesday 26 September 2017

How something ends up NEVER depends on how much you worry about it.

Worry really does NOT contribute in any way to a beneficial finale. It's a waste of your time and energy fretting about the outcome. You can only do your best and then let it go.

In the first place, most of the things you worry about never happen. If you are living for today, in the here and now, there is nothing to worry about.

Worry is thinking of the future - anxiety from living in the past. 

In the second place, there are things you cannot change. For example, you cannot change weather systems: tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes, or wars and government activities. You cannot change what others are doing, that is up to them. There is nothing that you can do about it, they will do what they do, it is their journey. AND things that happened in the past have already taken place, you can't change them. As for the future, don't waste time worrying about it either, you are not there yet. 

You can always prepare yourself for any eventuality, but it ends there. You are responsible for your own well being but beyond that, you need to trust that you are okay. Worry doesn't change anything and gives you wrinkles.

Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere.

reprint of #251

Monday 25 September 2017


"Who sees all beings in his own self and his own self in all beings, loses all fear."

The Law of Divine Oneness - everything is connected to everything else. What we think, say, do and believe will have a corresponding effect on others and the universe around us.

There is a connectivity in all of us. From the wildlife to the trees, to the stars, everything IS us. We are all one.

What you do to others, you do to yourself. You affect the world just by being yourself. Any encounter you have makes a difference, and you are here to make that difference. It is not necessarily something you have planned, like helping at a soup kitchen, but ordinary everyday encounters, as well. It's how you treat everyone and everything. It all begins, of course, with how you treat yourself. If you love yourself, love for everything is the result.

If you truly love yourself, you could never hurt another - Buddha

"Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we're so deeply inner connected with one another. Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment, and being love is the supreme creative act." 
-Ram Dass

reprint of #287

Friday 22 September 2017


If you want to live the life you came here to live. FEEL into it. Turn off the past. The lessons you learned there are over. Clear that canvas and paint that which you want to see now....

If you want to live the life you came here to live... hmm? Do you know what that life looks like? Do you have any idea what life you came here to live?

The life you have been living until now may not be totally satisfactory, but did you know there were other choices? I didn't get that memo, did you? I didn't come into this world with a list of life options in my little hand. 

This is the journey, is it not, finding out what you want out of the life you have been given? 

I think these are the burning questions of life. Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing? How can I make my life better? How can I make a difference? Inevitably, there are the fortunate few on earth who seem to have this down to a fine art. They look as though they know exactly what they are doing and where they are going. They probably know what life they came here to live. But where on earth did they get that information? It seems to be a hit and miss proposition at best. People are always questioning themselves, seeking wisdom from psychics, tarot card readers, clergymen, psychologists etc. forever seeking, trying to find out if they are on the right path; if they are going in the right direction and what they are supposed to be doing.

Doing what feels good for you, seems to be the answer. You will go off in many different directions throughout your life, but eventually, you calm down and settle on the path that fits. Life becomes less of a struggle, as you finally step out in the direction that unites your heart and soul.

reprint of #232

Thursday 21 September 2017


The miracle is not to walk on water, the miracle is to walk on the earth.

Life is no walk in the park.

Of course, there is plenty to be thankful for, and even if you are open to experiencing and expressing gratitude, you WILL have hard times. I promise you that the hard times will be what leads you toward gratitude, but while you are in the throes of trauma or grief, it's very hard to believe that there will ever be any relief.

But eventually, the pain eases enough for you to open your eyes to the world again. The miracle is that you start to identify why things happened as they did, why you are still here facing everything alone and who stood by you. It happens to all of us, a significant moment in time that changes everything....
Nothing will ever be the same again.

This is the miracle of walking on this earth. The worst thing that could ever happen to you happens, you take some time to regroup and come out the other side, enlightened and grateful. Amazing. Humans are so resilient.

While walking on water may not be something you have perfected as yet, walking on the earth is enough of a challenge in one lifetime for most of us. Savour your journey and enjoy those you meet along the way.

"With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful - strive to be happy." 
excerpt from Desiderata - Max Ehrmann
reprint of #359

Wednesday 20 September 2017


Some people believe that 'holding on' and 'hanging in there' are signs of strength. However, there are times in life in which it takes much more strength to just let go.

Have you noticed yet that you are in a relationship all by yourself? Or that this union has nothing to do with you? Are you fighting tooth and nail to keep the connection going when your partner is doing nothing to keep you?

Give the gift of your absence to those who do not appreciate your presence....

If someone has been oblivious to you and your feelings, abusive or disrespectful, then walking away is highly recommended. These people are not appreciating how wonderful you are. and don't deserve to have you around. Staying in a situation like this will only encourage resentment and anger. Therefore, you have a duty to yourself to consider ending it.

You will need to accept that not everyone will like you, or treat you right. That is their issue, not yours. They do not like themselves. If, though, you are putting up with their destructive behaviours, you don't like yourself either. Also, if you continue to expand your boundaries to accommodate theirs, they will continue to push them. You need to take a look at yourself and why you are allowing anyone around you that is not kind, loving and accepting. 

So the lesson is... if you want people in your life that will love and respect you for who you are, you will have to do the same.

As for the people that are not appreciating you, they need to hit the road. 

reprint of #397

Tuesday 19 September 2017


Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith.
Margaret Shepherd

leap of faith noun
an act of believing in or attempting something whose existence or outcome cannot be proved.

Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.” ~Unknown

Sometimes, your plans just do not work out, everything you have worked toward is crashing down and you find yourself at a crossroads. What to do? There are pros and cons to any path, and you are unsure. This is the time... either you will do nothing or you will choose. This is your leap of faith. Sometimes you really NEED to step outside your comfort zone and take a risk. You may fall flat on your face, OR, you may fly.... You are putting yourself 'out there' and going 'for it', with no idea where you will end up.. Good for you!

Try something new, you don't need a crisis to motivate you. You have dreams and ideas, don't die with your dreams still in you. Explore the world, your town, your mind, explore everything you possibly can. You are here to live your life and when you find yourself at a crossroads; it is your opportunity to take a chance on something totally different. 

Start swinging higher and higher and take that leap..... have faith that you will find a soft place to land....that will get your heart beating!

reprint of #268

Monday 18 September 2017


"There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path. Don't allow yourself to become one of them."
Ralph Marston

This hits the nail right on the head... 

How many 'obstacles' do you bring on with anger, jealousy, obsessing, perfectionism, resentment etc.? And how many of the 'obstacles' are not your concern in the first place? 

Do you jump right in, defending others and take it on as your battle? Are you so bored with your own life that you need to take on someone else's? Do you feel they can't manage their own affairs? Or, and most likely, is there something going on in your life that you don't want to look at?

Are you your own worst enemy? Do you create 'problems' where there were none to start with? Is life not big enough for you? Are you addicted to drama?

Okay, that's quite a list of questions, so let's take a look. Life will present you with a myriad of obstacles during your time here on earth. Your job is to overcome them, learn the lesson and move forward. You have a lot of work to do. That is enough to keep you busy for your lifetime. Running yourself ragged 'interfering' (taking part or intervening in an activity without invitation or necessity) in the lives of others just creates stress and tension in yours.  

You are capable of managing the life you were given, that is why you have it. Frankly, what others are doing is none of your business. We each need to play our own instrument in the orchestra, or it will throw the whole production off. You are the best person to conduct your life and 'they' are capable of conducting theirs in their own way. 

Stay in your own business, let others handle theirs and don't be the obstacle that holds you back.

reprint of #361

Friday 15 September 2017


The Authentic Self will come through when you're no longer performing, pretending, or denying-when you are true to yourself. Being authentic is a moment to moment proposition. It's a never-ending journey. AH

Authenticity comes when all else is gone, all the masks, all the armour, and all the games. 
We all have some form of defense. Somewhere deep inside, there is something worth protecting; we are all vulnerable at some level. Until we can remove the mask, stop the games and put a chink in that armour, we are not living our authentic life. 

If you haven’t looked inside, you haven’t even touched on what needs to be dealt with. Not only will you not be living your authentic life, but your issues will manifest themselves into something else, like disease. When fear is running your world or you are holding onto resentments, anger, unhappiness or pain, this is a signal that you have 'stuff' to deal with. Obviously, there are a plethora of issues that accumulate within, but if you don’t deal with them, or with life, you will pay the price. You are here to learn and grow, not sit and stew. So whatever you are hoarding inside, whatever deep, dark secrets you don’t want to look at, they are keeping you from being real.

Self-awareness is the key. 
Start by listening to your own inner wisdom or intuition, that little voice inside you. Living in your head will be telling you how you should act or what you should do. Actually, as soon as anyone mentions what you should do, stop listening. Only you know what to do. Trust your intuition.

Try to look at things with an open mind, no judgement. Work on this... people are who they are and they do what they do, just be you, and do your thing, don't worry about the others.

Take a look at your belief system.... clean out everything that no longer serves you.

Take one step at a time.... it's not the destination, it's the journey.
reprint of #516

Thursday 14 September 2017


"There is no one 'right' way to grow.... See what is beautiful in every person's path, in every religion, and in every belief system. honour other people's paths even if they are different from yours. Be inclusive and loving, and look beyond the form of people's beliefs to the essence. There is no right way; there is only the way that is right for you."
Sanaya Roman

Each of us is on our own journey, we intermingle for the lessons, then continue on our own.  We have tribes that we connect with but eventually, we must continue on our own path. No one is actually on the same journey as you, there may be similarities with certain connections, but all are different in some way. 

We form our own opinions and beliefs, as we travel down the road; we locate humans that appear to be of the same mind, but often find that's not necessarily so. Although we need to honour their systems, we may also have to accept the differences. We all need to learn to love and accept each individual for who he is, not who we want him to be.

There is no right way to navigate your path, but for you, there is only your way.

Your mission in this lifetime is to be yourself. There is only one YOU, and if you are true to who you are, you will be a messenger to others. You don't have to try to control them or badger them to accept your thinking, there is no need. You, being yourself, is what makes you unique and your message distinct. Honour yourself by continuing to be unique, and at the same time, honour the rest of the world's inhabitants by accepting their uniqueness. 
reprint of #437

Wednesday 13 September 2017





How did we forget that?  

We all know the bible verse -"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."  Luke 11:9

Whatever made us think we had to qualify (be entitled to a particular benefit or privilege by fulfilling a necessary condition) to receive, let alone, ask? How did it happen that we lost our faith, no longer believing that everything is 'there' for us?  We live in a world where we have had to prove our worth, sometimes on a daily basis, and it becomes harder and harder to believe that we are perfect just as we are. We don't have to prove ourselves to anyone. 

You will always receive what you need, not necessarily what you want, but always what you need. 

When you want something, all you have to do is ask and the Universe will be happy to oblige. You don't have to try harder, you don't have to be nicer, kinder, more compassionate, or generous. You are who you are, you do what you do, and that is your mission. Whatever you need to complete your quest is yours, just ask and it is given. 

reprint of #598

Tuesday 12 September 2017



Do you find that hard to believe?

When things start falling apart, and they will, no one is immune to 'hard' times'; your reaction to a disaster is what will make or break the situation.

When things are falling apart, they may be just falling into place.

Your reaction is everything. You don't want to get into a negative state and assume that you are getting the short end of the stick; this is not true, it is merely life. Stuff happens. If things seem to be going 'wrong' on a continual basis, then you need to take a look at your attitude. If you are living in negativity, that is what you are giving out, and subsequently, that is what you will receive. No one is 'out to get you' and you are not being punished.... into every life a little rain must fall.

In order to get more of what you really want just look at each situation as an opportunity to change things or as a new beginning. It requires trust in yourself and the universe, that no matter what is on the agenda at the moment you will be okay. As long as you know that, nothing can get you down. It is taking life in stride.

Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Don't start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday. 

Stay away from what might have been and look at what can be.

reprint of #358

Monday 11 September 2017

#708-Don't be so hard on yourself for not having it together all the time, for not knowing all the answers.....

You don't need to know all the answers and it's a wonder so many felt that they HAD to have an answer for everything. There is absolutely no way you could possibly know what the future holds or why things happened as they did in your past. We can surmise or guess, but really... we don't know. 

If you think about could you know all the answers? Don't beat yourself up because you didn't 'see it coming' or 'you should have known'
You didn't. Period! 
It was a lesson, learning the lesson is the path to freedom. Then let it go. 

We have no control over other people and most circumstances. So how could we know anything for sure. Life goes on and we need to figure out how we can go along with it. 

Life has a natural, organic flow, like summer sliding into fall. It doesn't need your input or string pulling, it just does it. Control is an illusion. Slow down and enjoy the ride. 

Stop rushing around trying to fulfill some impossible agenda, unrealistic goal, keeping everybody happy. You are setting yourself up for failure, or at least what feels like failure. You cannot be the 'be all and end all' all the time. You deserve much more than that. Life is a journey, not a race.
reprint of #300

Friday 8 September 2017

when the people
you love
hurt you the most,
it's better
to stay quiet because,
if your love
wasn't enough....
Do you think your
words will matter?

When you are hurt by the actions or words of someone you love, often this propels you into the 'let me try harder' mode. Maybe there is something else I could be doing so that they really 'see' me. 

Maybe if I explain, once again, how I feel they'll get it. Maybe if I rephrase my argument, it'll make sense to them. Maybe I can change them completely, into another person that is exactly what I want. A person, that will act exactly how I want them to when I want them to. It will never happen, a person will only change if they decide it will suit their purposes.

They are who they are, they do want they do, not what you want. There is no point in trying to get them to change, it will not happen. No matter how much you think you love them, how much you do for them, or sacrifice for them, you cannot make them be your ideal. 

This person hurts you, that's what they do. FACT. 

Why, then, do you want someone in your life that you have to teach to be loving, respectful, loyal, thoughtful? If they do not know how to treat you, they could be learning it from you. You show people how to treat you. Don't accept disrespect from anyone. If you are loving someone and not receiving love in return, it is time to re-think your definition of love. Love does NOT hurt.

reprint of #464

Thursday 7 September 2017


When someone undermines your dreams, predicts your doom, or criticizes you in any way, remember, they're telling you their story, not yours.

Most of us have had someone that seemed to feel it was up to them to direct our lives. They seem to feel they know what's best or they just like to be in control of everything.  It really has nothing to do with you. The long and the short of it is... it is their story, that they are projecting on to you.

You have dreams and desires and they feel inadequate (unable to deal with a situation or with life.) in your presence. They don't feel they can live up to what you require, and try putting you down hoping to build themselves up. This, of course, doesn't work, but they can't get away from their feelings of inadequacy.

They are the only ones that can deal with their issues, it is NOT your responsibility. Leave them with that burden and live your own life. The more chances you give them, the less they'll respect you. Don't ever let anyone get comfortable disrespecting you. No matter who they are or what they are to you, you never have to accept this behaviour.

Having said that, if you are allowing someone to undermine or criticize you, you have self-esteem issues that need to be dealt with. If you loved yourself, you would not compromise your self-respect. So, even though, it is their story, your story needs some fine tuning. No one can change the course of your life but you. You deserve to be happy.

reprint of #359

Wednesday 6 September 2017


People need to learn that their actions do affect other people.

So be careful what you say and do, it's not always just about you.

This could start a debate, there are several schools of thought on an issue like this. If you truly believe that you should always speak the truth, what do you do when you know that it will hurt another person? 

Do you speak your truth and the other person 'be damned' or just keep quiet? Should you 'tell it like it is' at all costs? If this means that you are deliberately hurting another human being, how can you justify that? Have you decided that it is for their own good? Should you be making that decision? Is there ever a time when 'getting physical' is okay? There are many variables on this subject.

I think the deciding factor is whether you were deliberately trying to hurt someone or if it was unintentional. If you unintentionally hurt someone an apology is in order, coupled with genuine remorse and a designer coffee. 

But if the hurt was intentional an apology will not cover it. (In other words, if you picked a fight with your friend, while spewing profanity and put-downs, and landed him in the hospital..... saying you're sorry probably won't fix it.)

Whatever you say or do WILL affect others, so the first course of action is to mind your own business. It is not always about you, and it's not up to you to judge other people. You won't get away with a cavalier attitude forever, saying and doing whatever pops into your head, people will start to step away. If you find that people are staying away from you, this may be the time to take a close look at how you are affecting others in your life. Only you are responsible for your behaviour.
reprint of #444