Monday 16 March 2015


The Paradox of Our Age...

The Dalai Lama is expressing what most people 55+ are feeling. There is not much in this world that is recognizable anymore. We, as the elders, have to face the fact that it is no longer our world, not entirely. We had our turn, and the younger generations are taking over. We don't necessarily 'get it' or like it, but I'm sure our parents or grandparents thought we were going to hell in a handcarts as well.

I have found in North American cultures that we are success driven. We consider success to be material accumulation. I feel this stems from parents that participated in WW2 and the Great Depression, or had parents that did. They raised us with the fear of not enough or lack. Thus we accumulated. We needed the large house, the cars, higher education, careers for partners, the savings accounts, the investments, the retirement accounts...we accumulated money and belongings and grew up with the fear of losing it all.

This creates enormous amounts of stress. Most people feel the strain. Many countries are in financial turmoil, businesses are closing, and cut backs are now the norm. It’s very hard not to feel the stress. Because of the accumulation clause, the majority of the population is carrying around issues about not being able to keep up, not being good enough.

The parents work all week and would like some down time, and the children suffer. They are alone, too much, wrapped up in their hoodies and i-magigs; plugged in and unaware and uninterested in anyone or anything else. They belong to every social network and yet have no social skills.

We just have to keep in mind, that everyone is on their journey and each generation learns what they learn. They subsequently pass it on, and that is their contribution. The next generation will have their triumphs and hardships and pass on their knowledge. We all do what we can do, and then pass the torch.

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