Saturday 2 August 2014

I received this quote from a friend today, thank you, Angela. I have wanted to write about Ho'oponopono for awhile now, but it is a hard concept to explain. For a clearer understanding, I recommend the book, "Zero Limits" by Joe Vitale

Is an ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness and reconciliation. The concept is, as I see it, taking 100% responsibility for your action as they pertain to you and everyone around you. It is your life and you are responsible for everything in it, everything, simply because it is in your life. It is about connectivity, everyone being as one. 

If you are able to take responsibility for yourself, your actions, if you have let go of blame, then you will understand this. I am 100% responsible for all that takes place in my world

Ho'oponopono is simply repeating the mantra, healing the part of you that created the trauma in the others,; as you work on yourself, the situation will heal.   I was flying home from Bali, and we ran into some turbulence. I was sitting in the emergency door area, for more leg room, and when the stewardesses' were instructed to be seated, one of them was visibly shaken. I was aware of her fear, as she was directly in front of me. She was clutching the arm rest and her body was stiff and contorted. I had just finished "Zero Limits", so I was aware that this had to do with me. I started the mantra, and continue to repeat it until finally, as I watched, she relaxed. It was amazing and left me absolutely no doubt as to the validity of this method of healing.

The problem would not be with our external reality, it would be with ourselves. To change our reality, we would have to change ourselves. Total Responsibility.. something comes to your reality–you accept 100% responsibility. You clean, which is repeating the mantra. Divinity does the rest.  Ho’oponopono cleaning is letting go and letting God....

I Am Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank you, I Love You.

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