Friday 19 June 2015


If you met your exact self as another person, would you like them?

Reflect on this, I mean, really take a look at it. Would you like this person that is you? 

Think about how you are with your friends. Are you fun to be around, helpful, kind, compassionate, and loving? Do you consider yourself funny? Are you available, and willing to try new things? What about loyal? 

If you were to really think about what you bring to the table, how would you rate yourself as a friend? Everyone is looking for the perfect friend and/or the perfect mate. That is a bit of a fantasy, isn't it. Are you perfect? No one is perfect. 

You want people around you that are 'there' for you when times are tough, that support you, no matter what. Are you that person? 

This is the crux of the matter... if you want to surround yourself with people with admirable qualities, that fulfill the above qualifications, you too, must be that person. You can't expect anyone to put up with anything less, it would be a superficial friendship at best. 

So be that person, be the person you want in your life. It all comes back to you, and the original question.... if you met your exact self as another person, would you like them? 

Be a good friend to yourself, be a good person, be the kind of person you wish you had in your life, because who you are is exactly who you've got.

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