Tuesday 30 September 2014

Tuesday, September 30/14

You will never know when the time will be right, when the stars will be in alignment, when it all becomes clear... and you realize that everything that has taken place in your life thus far, was leading to this moment in time.

It takes you by surprise, you can FEEL that something is different. It was destined, MEANT to happen. "This is the moment for which you have been created," and it all makes sense. There has been a 'shift' and you can literally feel the joy bubbling up from inside your body.

Some things are absolutely that serendipitous. It doesn't have to be a huge event, it is a quiet understanding that this is what it is all about, that you are OK. You know that you are being guided and have been led  to this very  time and place. 

         "Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created."

You are here on earth, at this time, for a purpose. As I recently discovered, your life's purpose is written in your fingerprints... isn't that powerful? There is a reason for everything you have gone through. 
The problem is, you may not be aware of exactly what it is you are supposed to be doing right now. You may have many questions, or your life just doesn't make sense anymore. Well hang on and know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Be open to the possibility that YOUR moment is on the horizon. Begin to anticipate it, this will help to manifest the very moment you were created for.

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