Monday 22 September 2014

Monday 9/22/14

Doesn't she look like she is having fun? Don't you wish you had time for fun? Taking time to lose yourself in any frivolous act is necessary for your soul. We are here to be happy, not despondent.   

Once in a while, blow your own damn mind.

Do something outrageous...PLAY....have fun... how would that look? It can be hard to imagine, we have responsibilities, we have things to do, deadlines and errands. And, really, aren't we a little old to be contemplating having fun? We do things to enjoy ourselves, but fun is for kids, isn't it? 

"Our society tends to dismiss play for adults. Play is perceived as unproductive, petty or even a guilty pleasure. The notion is that once we reach adulthood, it’s time to get serious. And between personal and professional responsibilities, there’s no time to play... Whereas: Play brings joy. And it’s vital for problem solving, creativity and relationships." World of Psychology-Internet

So play, according to World of Psychology, IS important after all. Isn't that a kick in the pants? So here is a whole new field of wonderment. What could we do to have fun? Well the girl in the picture knows what to do, she is not simply riding a bike, she is not doing it for exercise, she is having fun doing it. Try walking barefoot on the grass in the park or on the beach. Skipping would be fun, or hopscotch. Bubbles are always great, you can't be unhappy when you have bubbles, either blowing bubbles or bubbles in the bath. If all else fails, ask a child, any child, they know how to have fun. Laughing is a fabulous release, and fun induces laughter. Bring some joy into your life, accept the possibility of a fun day in the park, take a picnic, and a friend. Enjoy yourself. Have fun!

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