Thursday 19 May 2016


Anytime you're gonna grow, you're gonna lose something. 

You're losing what you're hanging onto to keep safe.

You're losing habits that you're comfortable with, you're losing familiarity.

James Hillman

As you travel your path, you encounter many challenges. Each time you overcome one of these, you change somewhat. Nothing looks exactly the same. This may encourage you to dig deeper on certain issues and, consequently, you change even more. Your ideas adjust, your mind expands, allowing other concepts to enter. Therefore, you start to navigate your life in a different fashion. 

Not everyone will be happy about this, they liked you the way you were or maybe they aren't thrilled with the new attitude. You choose certain people at different stages in your life to fulfill a need in you, they do the same. When you change, this throws everything out of balance, they don't feel they can trust you to act as expected, and hence they are uncomfortable around you. You will have a lot of people step away, and you will eliminate even more that no longer fit your situation.

You will notice that you have a different focus. What used to be comfortable and familiar, no longer has the same feel or importance. You may want to spend more time by yourself, contemplating this newly discovered dimension you are discovering. This is what you are here for, to discover, to remove old obstacles, and continue to learn and grow.

The world opens up when you do.

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