Wednesday 3 December 2014


ONE new perception....

All it takes is one new perception, one fresh thought, one act of surrender, one change of heart, or one leap of faith to change everything. 

One day you read something, watch something or talk to someone and you suddenly see things in a different way. That is the day that you begin to question your long standing beliefs. One question usually leads to another and you begin to see that you weren't seeing at all. You had been blindly travelling your path, secure in the knowledge that you knew what you were doing. Now that theory has gone down the tubes.

We should quit at 21 when we know everything, because as you age, you will notice that you really don't know anything at all.

Questioning the way you think is the beginning of getting some answers. This will lead to some awareness, and PRESTO! your life is changed.  All it takes it ONE thing to change EVERY thing.

We all have belief systems, installed throughout our lives, from various sources. We may actually be unaware that we are harbouring anything that may be stunting our growth. We will continue with these systems unless we are challenged or encouraged to take a look at them. One day,  someone says something that causes you to rethink the whole system... a new idea, a new way of looking at things. Sometimes that's all it takes. The awakening has begun. You will see things from a fresh new perspective. It is like being reborn; it's astonishing, refreshing, exciting and stimulating. You can't do better than that. 

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