Wednesday 25 October 2017


Be yourself.
Life is precious as it is.
All the elements for your happiness are already here.
There is no need to run,
strive, search or struggle.

-Thich Nhat Hanh

Be yourself. Do you know who you are, who you really are? The first step toward becoming who you really are is to spend some time with yourself, looking within, finding out what makes you tick. Then go with it. Never change for anyone, don't twist yourself into what you think people want you to be. You are perfect just the way you are.

"You have the right and the responsibility to be your most authentic, magnificent self." Fabienne Fredrickson

Happiness is within, do not search without. You will never find happiness, no matter how extensively you search for it. It is not in the new job, the new house or the new lover, no one can give it to you. You don't have to strive toward it or make a great effort to achieve it; everything you are looking for, you already possess.

Life was never meant to be a struggle, it will only become one if you are fighting everything. If you go with the flow and eliminate negativity, things will begin to flow very smoothly.  Embrace every challenge, do not fight against the current, accept what IS. This will eliminate unnecessary struggle. Believe in yourself and JUST BE.

"Don't wrestle with spirit, collaborate with it." Sarah Ban Breathnach

reprint of #387

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