Tuesday 8 August 2017


The Universe always says yes.

If you claim, "I'm broke, I don't have a dime!", the Universe says yes, you're right....

If you claim "I'm very prosperous, I always have a lot of money!" The Universe says yes, you're right...

And that's how it works....

Your situation will dictate the feelings you have around what you want or need. 

If you have just lost your job, you may be sending a message similar to this.... 'please help me, I don't have enough money to pay the rent, the mortgage, the bills etc. and I need more money, there is never enough.' If this is what you are asking and/or obsessing about, this is exactly what you will get..... MORE LACK!

If everything is going great and you're just flowing with the current, it's quite likely that nothing is being said at all. When life is easy we are content, perhaps even happy and so many of us just wait for the other shoe to drop. We don't want to acknowledge how blessed we are for fear of losing everything. That is the complete opposite of how the Universe works. 

This is the time to connect with the feeling of abundance, ease, happiness, and love. Just say THANK YOU!

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