Monday 4 December 2017


No one can drive us crazy unless we give them the keys.

Nobody can make you mad, no one can make you anything. YOU CHOOSE to react however you react to what is coming at you. 

Everyone has said, "'they' made me so mad" but 'they' simply do not have that power. 'They' may have memorized the buttons, or installed them for that matter, and "'they' definitely know how to push them. But you choose to get mad. 
You are in the driver's seat, you hold the keys. 

'They' may have struck a nerve, from some past hidden hurt that you have buried, but it still is a choice. You may have gotten mad because that's what you do; you stand up for yourself, you 'don't take nothing from nobody'. but it's still a choice. The point is... it is up to you. It is your life and your reaction will determine your peace of mind.

And on the same subject: watch what you say. Do you want to be crazy? Statements like "you are driving me crazy" are telling the universe that you want/need to lose your mind. The universe will do everything to grant your wish. All the self-depreciating statements made throughout your day, are sending the wrong message. 

Consider monitoring what you say and even what you think. Saying or thinking things like 'you broke my heart, you'll be the death of me, or that really pisses me off,' even a more positive feeling such as; 'my heart is bursting with joy,' is giving the wrong message. You are practically begging some health issue to come and invade your body, you are telling your body that your heart is meant to burst or be broken. Stop it.

The moral of the story is: This is your life, you are in the driver's seat... do not give your keys to anyone else.

Reprint of #539

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