Monday 31 July 2017


The mind that perceives the limitation IS the limitation. Buddha

The only thing holding you back is YOU. You have the capacity to do anything you want to do, anything you dream of doing. There is no one keeping score, no one is out to get you. If you feel that the only luck you have is bad luck, you are the one creating it.

"You get what you think about. It's not tricky at all."  Abraham-Hicks

Each time you jump back in time to all the hurts received, or worry about your bank account, or your kids, your parents, your boss or your partner, you are manifesting more of the same. The past is gone, you cannot change anything that happened, so work on letting it go. The future hasn't arrived you can't predict it, let it take care of itself. You want to be in the here and now,  in your happy place. If you want something you've never had, you'll have to do something you've never done.

Life was never meant to be a struggle, stop making it one.

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