Tuesday 3 February 2015


Pure joy, happiness, fun, good times, excitement .. you choose..

This is my grandson, Kenzie. The picture was taken when we stopped for coconut refreshment, during our exploration of Ubud, Bali. (I know he is the cutest being to ever walk the earth. This is a totally unbiased statement of fact, from his grandmother.) 

Do you remember the last time you had this look on your face? Do you remember feeling such joy in a moment. Kids are so present.

Life is a mystery, isn't it? We rush through our daily routine, wishing and hoping our lives away. Just getting through the day so we can get to the next thing, to the gym, finish our novel or whatever we have put on hold to maintain the routine. We need to earn a living, to keep up the status quo. 

Don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. 

Rarely are we ever simply PRESENT. Living in the here and now, enjoying 'what is', what is offered to us at any given moment. When we get that focused, tuned in to what is going on in the moment, it is about our work... after all that is important. We must be aware of what is going on in order to advance or maintain our position. AND we must maintain that position to receive the pay to continue to survive in this world. Of course this is important, we do, after all, live on the earth plane where money rules. Money may not buy happiness, but it is necessary. We seem to inevitably be somewhere we don't want to be, doing what we don't want to do, to keep it all together. Are we giving up the life we want, in order to keep the life we have? 

We all know what actually is important, what we are here for, what it is all about. It's not about money, success, position or power, but love and happiness. Perhaps this year will be the one to establish a balance. To find a way to enjoy ourselves, our love ones and be where we want to be doing what we want to do.... maybe putting your hands in your shirt, tickling your tummy and laughing in sheer delight at the sensation.

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